Association's Positions
This link will discuss in detail the various positions that make up the Association and lists the roles and responsibilities.
The president shall:
- Be responsible for the overall operations of the association
- Act as Chairman at general and board meetings
- Represent the association in dealing with governments, businesses, organizations and residents
- Attend all monthly board meetings. If you are unable to attend, arrangements should be made to have someone represent you at the meeting
- Actively participate in events and activities planned by the association
The Vice-President shall:
- Act as President’s right-hand person
- Assume duties of the President during his/her absence
- Share duties with the President as may be required
- Attend all monthly board meetings. If you are unable to attend, arrangements should be made to have someone represent you at the meeting
- Actively participate in events and activities planned by the association
The Past President shall:
- Provide assistance, advise and give background information to the Board based on past experience
- Help to complete previous projects
- Attend all monthly board meetings. If you are unable to attend, arrangements should be made to have someone represent you at the meeting
- Actively participate in events and activities planned by the association
The Secretary shall:
- Record minutes of all association meetings
- Keep records of important correspondence and documents
- Prepare the agendas for all meetings
- Prepare and send out correspondence as required
- Organize the annual General Meeting ensuring all board members prepare reports
- Attend all monthly board meetings. If you are unable to attend, arrangements should be made to have someone represent you at the meeting
- Actively participate in events and activities planned by the associationBe keeper of the Seal of the Society
The Treasurer shall:
- Record financial transactions of the association
- Prepare financial statementsIssue cheques
- Prepare income tax and all necessary returnsArrange for annual auditing of the books
- Report monthly to the board of directors
- Attend all monthly board meetings. If you are unable to attend, arrangements should be made to have someone represent you at the meeting
- Actively participate in events and activities planned by the association