A special Thank You goes out to all the people that turned up to the Millrise Community Association Annual General Meeting on Wed. Oct. 24th!
The motion to dissolve the community association due to lack of interest was voted down Unanimously! Before the crucial vote, a large number of concerned Millrise residents stepped up to the plate and took on the vacant roles. The results put a very strong and eager Board of Directors into place. The membership change motion was also successfully passed and changed the by-laws so that people can still buy memberships for the $20, but the valid membership period is now one year from the time you purchased it, regardless of the month you purchased it in.
The path forward for the MCA is to now bring the new found energy on board and concentrate on building membership and providing programs and services to our vibrant community. The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 7th at Millrise Place (14911 - 5st SW) at 7:30 PM. If you would like to get involved and help out, or just provide some ideas and suggestions on improving our community, send us an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Join TODAY and become an ACTIVE member in your community! (buy a membership online here)
We have a nice base so we can have some good warm weather skating days coming up.