Sharp Skaters in Millrise
(Calgary, Alberta) The Millrise Community Association is pleased to announce it has recently received $1000 for the Shell Canada Community Service Fund.
“The funds have been awarded to recognize and support Marvin Popil, a Shell Canada employee. Marvin regularly volunteers at the Millrise Community Association rink facility as a rink volunteer. The funds will be used to purchase a skate sharpening machine,” says John Gardin, Facilities Director for the Association.
Millrise Community Association Membership at an "All Time Low"
The membership of the Millrise Community Association has hit an all time low, steadily decreasing over the years. 2007 levels were at 80 membership families out of a possible community family membership of 1945. That's only 4%. The average City of Calgary community memberships sits at 11%. Since April is our membership renewel month, we need the community's help in increasing our membership levels, so that we can sustain what we do have, and consider other services that will benefit the community.
We have a nice base so we can have some good warm weather skating days coming up.