A message from the Board
During the (AGM back in October 2007), a lot of individuals offered their time to help get our community get back on track. We all wanted to live a neighbourhood that offered activities for our youth, seniors and families.
Kathy and I now share the duties of Volunteer Director. We are responsible to help the other directors arrange volunteers for community initiatives such as the very successful Santa Skate that was held in December and finding people to man our Memebership drive tables at Parent Teacher interviews as well as other activities our now energized Executive has in the works.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the board members that worked so hard to plan the Santa Skate. There is a tremendous amount of work required to put on events like this, but the enjoyment was well worth the effort.
Please remember that the vibrant community we want, takes volunteers.
We hope to meet you soon.
Cathie Horon & Kathy Beach
Volunteer Directors
Millrise Community Association
We have a nice base so we can have some good warm weather skating days coming up.