Millrise Family Day Scavenger Hunt
Submit completed entries at the membership table at the Family Fun Day on February 16th.
Submit completed entries at the membership table at the Family Fun Day on February 16th.
Harvey the Hound and another special Winter guest will be there.
Please bring a non perishable food item for the Food Bank. Don't miss the fun. Join us at the Millrise Community Rink (14808 MILLRISE HILL SW).
Pond Hockey by ENMAX Energy – Feb 05 The Calgary Hitmen were on the Millrise Community Rink on the Evening of Feb 5. Millrise was proud to host “Pond Hockey by ENMAX Energy”. Karl Alzner, Dan Mercer, Keith Seabrook and Brendan Rowinski all took to the ice.{mosimage} The Hitmen Players were joined by 2 local hockey squads, the Girls Hockey Calgary Pee Wee B Dino’s and the Shaw Meadows Atom 4 Vipers . Both teams shared the ice and joined in a skills competition as well as a game of shinny compliments of the Calgary Hitmen, Hockey Canada and Enmax. The players also stayed after the ice time for an autograph and photo session. Huge Thanks go out to Millrise Sobey’s for providing Hot Dogs, Pop, Water, Hot Chocolate and Treats for all of the players. Kudo’s were also given to Stephen Beach and his Rink Volunteers by the Hitmen for providing such great ice to play on. Thank you very much to the Calgary Hitmen and Enmax for providing a very enjoyable evening for both players and spectators.