Rink Status

Hockey Rink
Jan 12 Rink scraped 6:30 pm
We have a nice base so we can have some good warm weather skating days coming up.
Skating Oval
Jan 11 Oval flooded 11:30 pm

Pilot program is in the works – Health in Perspective (HIP) geared toward 10 to 12 year olds looking for something to do this spring. It is a mentorship program to be offered to girls/boys as an after school program beginning in March 2008. It will run once a week for 10 weeks. Costs are $10 and include a tee shirt. The program will include lessons on stress, bullying, peer pressure, media messages, and responsible decisions regarding tobacco and more.

The basic goals of HIP are:

  • Enhance social skills, self-esteem and confidence
  • Build caring, positive relationships
  • Promote positive behaviour change
  • Say “no” to peer pressure regarding tobacco
  • And have fun!
See details about HIP at www.hip-tnt.ca

If you are interested in the program contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
to sign up and receive more info.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming meetings currently scheduled.

Board meetings normally occur on the second Tuesday of the month. If you are seeing this message, the meeting has not been officially booked yet.

Check back soon!


Do you love cold weather and clearing snow?  Better yet, have you always wanted to drive a Zamboni? 

We're the Millrise ice crew and we maintain the ice through the winter. The good news is that we have machines to do the heavy work and the work is extremely rewarding when we see kids active and skating. We're always looking for new volunteers. In October each year we begin our fall tune-up and we generally begin making ice in late November; please plan on coming down early in the year and get acquainted with the work.

Contact Info: Matt at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.