Community Garden Terms of Use
Plot Rental Conditions
- This Tenancy Agreement covers a maximum time period between June 1 and October 31st of the current year (or weather permitting dates).
- Each gardener can rent one plot and that plot is reserved for one season
- Gardeners residing in Millrise will be assigned garden plots first. Proof of residency is defined by producing the photo ID with community address.
- If there is space after Millrise residents have been assigned garden plots, other resident of Calgary will be able to rent a plot.
- If I garden one year and meet the residency requirements of this agreement, I have the first opportunity to get the same plot for the next year by registering for a plot by March 31st of the following year, to a maximum of three consecutive rental years.
- May 15th is the deadline for non-residents to apply for a garden plot and be included on the garden waiting list.
- By May 15th, people new to the garden and not resident of Millrise are assigned plots in order by the date they signed up on the waiting list.
- The plot rental fee for the season is $30.00.
- The code for the lock box will be provided to you at the beginning of the growing season.
- Plots that are not maintained (seeded, planted, weeded, watered, harvested, cleaned up) will revert back to the garden team to be assigned to someone else.
- The garden team will assume a neglected plot to be abandoned if I have not attended to it within seven days of notification.
- I am not permitted to give my plot away. I understand that the garden committee decides who can use a plot.
- Any crops I leave in my plot after October 31st may be given to a local food bank or tilled into the ground.
- I will be sure to water my garden accordingly and hand water if necessary.
- I will bring tools for preparing and maintaining my plot and take them with me when I am not working on the plot.
- I will only grow plants that are allowable by the Garden Committee.
- I will respect the garden environment as a whole and treat everyone accordingly.
- I will abide by any further regulations regarding guest attendance to the area as well as agree that this agreement is subject to change, at which time I will be notified and asked to re-accept the terms.
- Water is available via valves on both the NE and SE corners of the current garden.
- Agreeing to these terms and conditions absolves the Millrise Community Garden and the Millrise Community Association from any liability, financial or otherwise which may result from negligence or the inappropriate use of power and hand tools, either by myself or by others. It also absolves the Millrise Community Garden and the Millrise Community Association from any responsibility regarding acts of God, vandalism or any other occurrence outside its ability to control.
I understand and will strictly adhere to organic gardening principles and the following guidelines to:
- Not use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or insecticides in the garden
- Adequately dilute emulsified fish and seaweed fertilizers prior to application so as not to attract cats or other animals to the side
- Follow composting and mulching guidelines as provided by the garden committee
- Not add meat or dairy products to the compost with the exception of blood meal and bone meal. I agree not to add diseased plants nor weeds that have gone to seed to the compost and agree to help maintain a healthy and productive compost system
- Only use organic soil and compost that I may bring into the garden for my plot
- Keep weeds out of my plot and the paths around my plot by manual removal.
I will properly maintain the plot and common areas assigned to me and I will:
- Have my garden plot planted by June 15th (weather permitting) and cleaned out by October 31st.
- Restrict crops which grown over 4 feet in height to a maximum row length of 4 feet so as not to shade neighbouring beds.
- Use trellises that are stable in all weather conditions and do not shade other gardens
- Deal with insect and weed infestations quickly and organically to prevent spread to other plots
- Weed and water all common areas near and around my garden plot.
- Keep garbage and litter out of my plot and the paths around my plot
- Recycle materials that can be recycled
- Respect other gardeners’ rights and not cause actions detrimental to other renters. I will show respect for all gardeners
- Take responsibility for any non-gardeners accompanying me to the site and ensure that children and pets are well supervised.
- Use wood chips to mulch the border of the garden to keep weeds down and I may use them in my plot for weed control
- Take only my share of compost and peat moss that is delivered to the garden early in the season for use in the community garden only and in my plot specifically.
- Conserve water and use mulch so I don’t have to water as much.
- Assist in managing compost.
- Participate in 2 garden clean up workdays a year.
- Only pick produce or flowers from my own plot
- Pick produce when it is ripe
- Clear and mulch my plot no later than October 31 of gardening year.
- Not smoke nor consume alcoholic beverages in the garden nor permit any guests to do likewise.
- Clean shared garden tools and put them back into the storage shed after using them.
- Be responsible for my own hand tools.